Friday, July 2, 2010

Health Education Speaker

As young adults teens need to understand the importance of education in all areas of life including sex education. This past Thursday Ellie Taggart, a physician assistant from the ISU Student Health Clinic was invited to talk to the students of Upward Bound about the effects that sex can have on a person’s life. Herpes, Aids, and Hepatitis were some of the topic subjects of the lecture. Ellie described in detail the small and major effects of the diseases impacts on your current and future life style. Although she talked a lot about diseases, she also talked about how to prevent receiving one; such as the act of abstinence, or the use of a condom.
After discussing diseases, Ellie began to explain to the students about how a birth control pill is not always fool proof. Even though it is recommended to girls by physicians at times, there is always a consequence. Major side effects from using such medication may cause problems for women who may want children in the future. Ellie gave the students a lot of valuable information both vocally and in the use of papers and pamphlets with published facts.

By: Matthew Martinez

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